Equipment For Sale
Equipment For Sale
We are constantly investing in new equipment.
That means we continuously have very well-maintained precision gear manufacturing equipment available for sale.
Gleason Phoenix 125 GH CNC Vertical Gear Hobbing Machine with FANUC 15M Controller
Year Built: 1997
Machine was manufactured with special accuracy table and 200mm OD capability. Machine is also equipped with a six station ring loader for automatic loading.
This 6 axis machine is extremely flexible with a broad range of capability in a compact footprint. These capabilities include variable hob speed, variable radial feed, diagonal cutting, work piece alignment, crown hobbing, taper hobbing, radial and axial dwelling, and multiple hob cluster.
Machine will come with two hob arbors (.500” and .750”), a table adaptor and morse tailstock adaptors. A list can be provided at request.
Price: $89,900
10% non-refundable deposit required to secure machine. Machine is listed as is. Buyer is responsible for all costs associated with removal and rigging.
Available immediately