Forest City Gear Celebrates Brian Getty’s 10th Anniversary
January 19, 2024
Forest City Gear is proud to recognize Brian Getty on his 10th anniversary and thank him for his long-term dedication to the company.

Getty is Forest City Gear’s Maintenance Technician Lead, responsible for equipment and infrastructure maintenance. Due to his maintenance abilities, both mechanically and electrically, Getty quickly became an asset. He established and perfected the workflow for Forest City Gear’s Preventative Maintenance program.
As a team member, Getty is called upon by the entire organization and always is quick and willing to respond. And his reputation extends beyond the Forest City Gear team, most notably through his positive relationships with outside OEM service providers.
“Without Brian’s skill and expertise,” says Jared Lyford, Forest City Gear Director of Operations, “we would not be where we are today as we have grown and further expanded our Maintenance department to match our business volume.”
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